- Youth
- Valentines Banquet raised-$2,100
- SummerSalt Camp- 14 Youth
- Chickin Slingin raised-$900
- Lights of Hope raised-$1,200
- Youth Winter Retreat- 13 Youth
- Children
- Eight kids attended KidSalt
- GNC- averaged 50 kids per week
- RA/GAs- Collected personal hygiene items for The Bridge
- GAs- Visited NHC
- GA Tea Party
- Brenda led RAs/GAs in sharing the gospel thru chalk art
- GAs/RAs- cleaned up the playground
- RAs- Fishing Trip
- Jessie’s library was added to the playground
- Prayer
- Prayer Conference
- Monthly Nights of Prayer
- Weekly Online Prayer
- Worship
- Youth/Children’s Play
- Began 1x per month Lord’s Supper
- Practical Ways to Help Others
- Helped cut trees up for Freedom
- Fences (after storm)
- Raised $1,162.00 dollars for Freedom Fences thru a BBQ sale.
- Raked Shelby’s Yard
- Bridge Scholarship ($3,000)
- Christmas Caroling at Seneca Rehab and gave out treat bags
- God Things
- Chris Yates’ Joined Staff at The Bridge Center
- Several GNC Salvations
- Salvations- Brandon, Adi, Amanda Lewis, Savannah, Maddie
- 8 Baptisms (Pam, Gina, Molly, Annakate, Maddie, Brandon, Adi, Raylin)
- Tithes/Offerings exceeded Expenses
- Leon’s healed of brain tumor
- Adrianna healed of thyroid cancer
- Other Events
- Fall Festival
- Several Ladies Bible Study
- 3 rd KY Mission Trip
- Men’s Cornhole Tournament
- Stained the playground stairs/deck
- Group of five to prayer walk at the
- International Learning Center in VA